En weer iets van onze bucketlist! Onze collega Albert-Jan, CTO van Blis Digital spreekt op 29 februari en 1 maart op de DEVWorld Conference 2024 in Amsterdam. Naar eigen zeggen is DEVWorld dé grootste conferentie ter wereld voor software ontwikelaars. En met een line-up van ruim 100 experts van o.a. Google, WeTransfer, Reddit, bunq, Microsoft en Netflix, is Albert-Jan onderdeel van een indrukwekkend gezelschap. En dat maakt ons trots!
Tijdens DEVWorld deelt Albert-Jan zijn visie op Fusion Development. Hij zal het publiek meenemen in de mogelijkheden die low-code platformen te bieden hebben en hoe ze heel goed samen kunnen werken in full-code software development trajecten.
Albert-Jan schreef het volgende op zijn blog over deze talk:
Fusion development: How low-code and full-code play together
Join me at DEVWorld Conference, 9 Feb & 1 March 2024 at RAI, Amsterdam where I will be speaking about Fusion Development: How low-code and full-code play together.
Developers still rule the world! But with low-code platforms emerging as a popular tool for accelerating development cycles, it makes sense to have a look at what is possible nowadays. In this session, I’ll explore how Fusion Development – the combination of low-code and full code development – can help teams balance speed and flexibility to deliver high-quality applications at scale as well as enable the business to adapt to the ever changing requirements of customers.
Join me for an enlightening session on the power of Fusion Development, where low-code and full code come together to revolutionize application development. Discover how this innovative approach enables teams to strike the perfect balance between speed, flexibility, and scalability, empowering businesses to adapt to dynamic customer requirements. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to expand your development toolkit and accelerate your application delivery!
You can read all about my session Fusion development: How low-code and full-code play together. Hope to see you there 👋! Register to join me at Rai, Amsterdam!
Meer informatie over deze conferentie of direct je kaarten bestellen: check https://devworldconference.com/.